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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Breakfast; Eggs, pork roll, potatoes and onions!

For the last few mornings, breakfast has been a little bit later in the day, making this more of a lunch than a breakfast. My typical breakfast with my husband is 2 eggs each, with salt and pepper, and a breakfast meat; sausage, bacon, pork roll. Occasionally buttered toast, or the awesome egg in a basket! My brother in law had the good idea of adding in potatoes and onions with the eggs and pork roll. So we cooked breakfast for my husband and all enjoyed the late breakfast together!
I always have a large 5 pound bag of potatoes in my kitchen as well as a sack of onions. Potatoes and onions are a cheap way to make a meal, and to add more to the stomach! Plus, potatoes give you potassium, natural fiber from the skins,  vitamins C for healing wounds and maintaining healthy connecting tissue & vitamin B for making healthy red blood cells and amino acids! Onions are rich in vitamin E, so a good dose of antioxidants! 

Photographs will be coming, I get so involved and in - the - zone I forget to take photos! 

What You Need:   This recipe is for serving 2 people.
4 eggs
2 potatoes
1 whole onion
about 2-3 slices of pork roll a person
salt and pepper, and some rosemary
2 tablespoons butter

  • Melt your butter in a medium skillet. While the butter is melting, dice up your whole onion into small sized confetti pieces. Add to the skillet and cook the onions on a low heat, say a 2, stir often, cook until the onions have a sweet smell, and are light brown in color. Also known as caramelizing! This will take at least 15 minutes. 
Don't be impatient with the onions by turning the heat up mid way through thinking... "these damn onions are taking too long" or "the pan isn't hot enough"....I know trust me, I did it this morning! Patience. The onions loose the flavor, they get burnt, and wilted and not taste good at all sad
If you feel that this is happening, just walk away, move yourself away from the stove and start the next section!!
Pork Roll Time!! 
  • Slice your pork roll to desired thickness. 2-3 slices a person.
  • Add a few tiny drops of olive oil to another large skillet, turn the heat to low medium, about a 3 to 3 1/2 cook your pork roll for about as long as the onions will take, about 15 minutes.  They will get a light light brown. Flip your pork roll often. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to your pork roll slices. 
  • While your pork and onions are sizzling, grab your 2 potatoes. Rinse and scrub, remove eyes, and poke a bunch of holes around each potato (I like to use a serving fork for this part.) Place the 2 potatoes in the microwave for 9 minutes.
Now, you can bake your potatoes if you want or boil them...but for a faster meal, I microwave them. I don't favor the microwave for this sort of cooking, only when making this recipe. 
By now your onions should be finishing up nicely, as should the pork. Once the pork is finished, put aside in a small bowl with a lid of some sort to keep warm.
  • The potatoes should be done, remove them from the microwave and cut into bite sized chunks and add in with the onions. Cook until lightly brown or crunchy. I like my potatoes a little on the softer side rather than crispy. Add in a pinch of rosemary, salt and pepper. Just a light seasoning. The onions flavor mixes so well with the potatoes.

  • Then, get your 4 eggs, and prepare as you like them. I typically do scrambled with salt and pepper.

  • Crack your eggs in a small bowl, add salt and pepper and whisk until well blended.  Start your eggs on a medium low setting, a 3 1/2. Break them up and cook to how you like them. I use the pork roll pan. Add a smidgen of butter if you need it. Fry your eggs!
Once everything is done, put everything on a plate, grab a fork and eat!
I like to add a bit of ketchup and sirricha hot chili sauce to my plate!

Sliced up potatoes, ready for the frying! You can always make your potatos smaller if you'd like.

A nice little action shot of the caramelized onions and potatos having a nice flip. Again, note the onions color, there's nothing burned.
The nice pork roll after cooking! Note the little darker brown spots, that is alright, you really don't want your pork roll darker, I don't personally because it get too close to burning.

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